Image Resources


_ArtStor _is a digital library with over a million images in art, architecture, humanities, and social science

CSU Image Project

CSU Image Project contains about 75,000 images providing global coverage and includes all area of visual imagery.

Art Images for College Teaching

_Art Images for College Teaching _contains images of art and architectural works that are found in the public domain on a free-access, free-use basis open to anyone in the education community and the public at large. Images are free to use in any application that is both educational and non-commerical.

AP Images

_AP Images _contains photographs, audio, graphics, and text covering 160 years of history. Users can access over 4.6 million photographs from 1826 to today, thousands of graphics and audio files dating from the 1920's and news stories and headlines from 1997 to present day.

CI Institutional Repository

LIFE Magazine Photo Archive

A photo archive from LIFE magazine and Google stretching from the 1860s to 1970s, available for personal use.

Images of music backgrounds, musical instruments, notation symbols, and more.

UNESCO Photo Galleries

A searchable database of various international images.

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