
ACM Portal

This database is a vast collection of citations and full text from Association of Computing Machinery journal and newsletter articles and conference proceedings.

Open access to over 600,000 e-prints in physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics. E-prints conform to Cornell University academic standards.

Academic Search Premier

Academic Search Premier contains indexing and abstracts for more than 8,300 journals, with full text for more than 4,500 of those titles. This database contains coverage across the disciplines including biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, history, religion & theology, and many more.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) offers full-text access to more than 2 million articles from over 12,000 electrical engineering, computer science, and electronic publications.


A database full of Safari Technology books. Safari publishes books on various aspects of technology including computer programing.

Science (1997-present)

Science has the largest paid circulation for a peer-reviewed general-science journal. Originally funded in 1880 by Thomas Edison it is published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world's largest general science society.


This database offers full-text to over 2,500 journals of core scientific literature.

Full-text articles to more than 1,100 scientific journals.

Wiley Interscience

Wiley Online Library features access to over 4 million articles and 10,000 online books, including Earth and environmental sciences.

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