

ABI/Inform covers business, finance, economics, marketing, advertising, HR, taxation, over 3,000 journals, and 60,000 company profiles, including The Wall Street Journal.

Business Collection (Gale)

Business Collection provides worldwide full-text coverage of over 120 million articles from more than 4000 publications across multiple business disciplines and general news for context.

Business Economics & Theory Collection (Gale)

More than 1,800 full-text academic journals and magazines—emphasizing titles from the EconLit bibliographic index. Supports startup, marketing, policies, analysis, modeling, investing, and more.

Business Source Premiere

Business Source Premiere includes SWOT analyses, business, finance, marketing,management, MIS, POM, accounting, with historical articles dating back to 1886.


Emerald is one of the world's leading publishers of journals and books in business and management.

Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965

Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965 provides access to reports and documents of pioneering marketer Ernest Dichter, supporting insights into the growth of the US consumer economy.

Business – Newspapers

ProQuest Newspapers

To search by newspaper publication:

  1. Choose the “Advanced” tab
  2. Select “Publication Title” in the drop down menu
  3. Enter your newspaper title

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