
Film Television, Videos, & Art

Archive of American Television

An archive of video oral history interviews with important figures in television history.

Electronic Arts Intermix

Provides access to video and media art from the 1960’s to present.

Internet Archive: Movies Collection

Contains over 1 million digital movies including full-length films, news broadcasts, cartoons, and concerts.


Contains over 4,000 films and videos by over 1,000 international artists from the 1920’s to present.


CI Resources

Available through CILearn, contains tutorials and workshops on a variety of topics including digital art software, photography, and web design.

Online Resources


Video tutorials on basic tasks and new features in Adobe products.

Layers Magazine

Video tutorials on specific features in Adobe products.


Tutorials in all web development technologies.

Computer and Video Games


Information on the art and business of PC, online, tablet, and video games.


Game development information including articles, reviews of tools and software, forums, and information for new developers.

ScienceDaily: Video Game News

Collection of research related to video games from around the world.

Zindagi Games

Gaming studio based in Camarillo that is developing games for the PlayStation Move motion controller.

Downloadable Content


Stock Photos

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